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The Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Environmental Protection Office

The mission of the Lower Brule Environmental Protection Office (EPO) is to protect public health by building the capacity of our office, promoting environmental education, outreach, development and approval of environmental codes and ordinances, providing environmental monitoring, providing technical assistance and cooperating with other environmental agencies on funding and projects.

Mary Jane Gourneau, Director 


Daryl Middletent, CWA SECTION 106 Water Coordinator 


Sheldon Fletcher, CWA SECTION 319 Water Coordinator


Cedar Jandreau, Brownfields Program Coordinator


Tim Estes, Solid Waste Coordinator


Driver: Jarvis Skunk

Collector: Kenneth Goodlow


LBST Environmental Protection Office

187 Oyate Circle

Lower Brule, South Dakota 57548

(605) 473-0163 - 473-5561

Lower Brule Sioux Tribe - 187 Oyate Circle - Lower Brule, SD 57548 -  605-473-5561 - © 2019 Lower Brule Sioux Tribe – All Rights Reserved

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