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Techa Ki Wawokiya (Helping Youth) Native Connections 

Techa Ki Wawokiya (Helping Youth) short term Native Connections is a federal grant funded program through the years 2020-2025.  The purpose of this program is to prevent suicide and substance misuse, reduce the impact of trauma, and promote mental health among American Indian/Alaskan Native youth age 11-24 by using culture and traditional best practices to prevent and heal.


Native Connections is intended to reduce the impact of mental and substance use disorders, foster culturally responsive models that reduce and respond to the impact of trauma in our communities, and allow our communities to facilitate collaboration among agencies to support youth as they transition into adulthood.   


Kamela Wilson, Director 



Carla Iron Shooter, Adult Care Coordinator 


LBST Native Connections

187 Oyate Circle

Lower Brule SD 57548

Phone (605) 473-5584 

Lower Brule Sioux Tribe - 187 Oyate Circle - Lower Brule, SD 57548 -  605-473-5561 - © 2019 Lower Brule Sioux Tribe – All Rights Reserved

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